Manifesting Your Dream Home: It’s All in Your Head (And That’s a Good Thing!)

Hey friend! It’s Kristi, your home decor BFF, here to tell you something that might sound a little out there, but trust me on this: the path to your dream home?

It starts in your mind. Yep, I’m serious!

Before you stress over budgets or binge-watch another house-hunting show, we’ve got to talk about your mindset. Let me tell you, manifesting your dream home isn’t about having everything figured out—it’s about *believing* it’s possible.

And to help us on this journey, I’m bringing in some wisdom from one of my favorite teachers, Florence Scovel Shinn. She had this whole thing figured out, using biblical principles, and I’m going to break it down for you in a way that feels as easy as rearranging your living room furniture. So, let’s dive in!

Watch Your Thoughts, They Create Your Reality

I get it—sometimes the dream home feels *so* far off that it’s easy to fall into negative thinking. But here's the thing: what you think and say about your home situation actually matters. Florence Scovel Shinn said, “Your word is your wand,” meaning the things you speak and believe create your reality.

Think of it like this: if you keep telling yourself, “I’ll never have the money for that kind of home,” then God is like, “Cool, noted!” But if you flip it and say, “I’m open to my dream home coming into my life,” you shift the energy. It’s not about denying reality—it’s about *shifting* it. So, start speaking with intention. Instead of “I can’t afford that,” try something like, “My dream home is making its way to me in the perfect timing.”

And listen, I know this can feel a little weird at first. But think of it like redecorating a room: sometimes you’ve got to move things around until it feels right. Just play with it!

Picture It: Your Dream Home (Yes, Yours!)

Florence was big on visualization, and so am I. If you’ve been with me for a while, you know how much I love *seeing* the possibilities. Well, that applies to manifesting your dream home, too. Close your eyes and imagine yourself walking through it—what does it look like? What color are the walls? How does it feel to walk into the living room? Smell the fresh paint, feel the softness of that plush rug. It’s about making your dream home feel *real* in your mind.

But here’s the important part: don’t stress about *how* it’s going to happen. That’s the God’s job, not yours. Florence Scovel Shinn said, “Faith knows it has already received and acts accordingly.” So, I want you to *feel* the joy of living in that space, even if you’re sitting in a tiny apartment right now. Your mindset is setting the stage!

Gratitude Is Your Secret Weapon

If you take one thing from this post, let it be this: gratitude is everything. Florence always emphasized what the Bible teaches, that what you’re grateful for multiplies. So, if you’re grateful for the home you have now—no matter how small or imperfect—you’re opening the door for even more blessings to flow in.

Here’s something I do, and you can do it, too: every morning, find three things you love about your current space. Maybe it’s the way the light streams in through the window, or how cozy your favorite corner feels. Whatever it is, *appreciate* it. Gratitude is a magnet for abundance, and when you’re thankful for what you have, the universe can’t help but send more your way.

Get Excited, But Relax

Here’s a little reminder from both me and Florence: get excited about your dream home, but don’t stress about when or how it’s going to show up. I know, easier said than done, right? But Florence teaches us that “faith and patience” go hand in hand. God is like that friend who always comes through with the perfect gift—maybe not on your timeline, but *right* when you need it.

So, while you’re daydreaming about those vaulted ceilings and open-floor plans, trust that it’s all in motion. The key is to get excited without clinging to the outcome. Take a deep breath, and know that it’s coming.

Start Small, Dream Big

Lastly, let’s talk action. Florence always said, “Faith without action is dead,” and she’s got a point! Manifestation isn’t just about thinking—it’s about *doing* something, too. So, while you’re busy dreaming, take small steps in the direction of your vision. Rearrange a room, buy a new throw pillow, or even start a savings jar for your future home, no matter how small.

Every little action you take is a signal to the universe that you’re serious about this dream home, and it’s going to respond. Start where you are, and watch as the opportunities start rolling in.

Manifesting Is a Mindset

Friend, if there’s one thing I want you to take away from this, it’s that manifesting your dream home starts with *you*. Shift your mindset, watch your words, and get grateful for what you have now. Florence Scovel Shinn knew what she was talking about, and when you follow her teachings, it’s like God can’t help but say, “Okay, here’s your dream home, Kristi’s friend!”

So next time you’re scrolling through home decor inspo and feeling like your dream home is lightyears away, remember: it’s all in your head—and that’s a *good* thing! Because once you shift your mindset, the possibilities are endless.

You’ve got this, friend. Your dream home is out there waiting for you, and it all starts with a little faith and a lot of belief.

Sending you all the manifesting vibes!

— Kristi


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